Our Rights

The Collective Bargaining Agreement

In July 2023, our members ratified our new collective bargaining agreement. This CBA included major changes that our members need to know. We encourage all Part-Time Faculty (and department chairs!) to download the contract and keep a copy on their home computer. We also have print copies available in the union office.

2023-2026 Collective Bargaining Agreement

Changes to Promotions & Evaluations:

The procedures for promotion, outlined below, have not changed. One major change is that the union will be sending emails to PTF that are eligible for promotion. We will also be auditing the Course Pool Seniority Report for accuracy so that PTF will have a better opportunity to be promoted when eligible. The current procedures:
1) Provost’s Office sends email to all PTF every semester reminding them of the procedures for Promotion Evaluation.
2) PTF may request evaluation for promotion beginning in first half of 5th semester in the pool (or the first half of any subsequent semester); evaluation takes place in 6th (or subsequent) semester;
3) If the requested evaluation was successful, or if the requested evaluation did not occur, promotion is automatic in the next semester the PTF teaches in the pool.
4) The salary increase will occur in the next semester employed, no matter which course pool the PTF will be teaching in at that time. It’s the PTF’s obligation to remind departments that they have been promoted and that their salary should be updated.
5) For PTF3s only, supervisors have to follow PTF3 seniority in a pool when assigning classes.

Tuition Assistance:

PTFs that are teaching at least three (3) credits can enroll in classes at the university and take at least three (3) credits tuition-free. Normal admissions policies still apply, and the PTF will be responsible for fees and any taxes associated with the tuition assistance. You can apply for tuition assistance here.

In addition, a qualified PTF can receive 50% tuition reimbursement or waiver for a dependent, spouse, or Other Eligible Person, on the cost of full-time enrollment. If the student is enrolled less than full-time, the assistance will be pro-rated.


PTF may enroll in the University 403(b) retirement plan at any time. A PTF who contributes at least 4% of their gross salary is eligible to receive an employer match of 4% of gross salary. In the final year of the contract, which begins in Fall 2025, the employer match may increase to 5%, so long as fewer than 30% of PTF participate in the program. The University’s matching contributions will not be vested until the PTF has completed two years of employment. If the PTF terminates employment prior to two years of service, the employer match and any interest it has earned will revert to the University.

So far as we know, we are the only union representing solely part-time faculty at a university in the U.S. with a retirement match.

Multi-level Classes

If a PTF is teaching a class with more than one level of students, and that class involves significantly more work (multiple syllabi, different learning outcomes), the PTF may request an additional credit hour of compensation. Requests will be made the to the PTF’s Department Chair or Unit Head. If the request is denied, the PTF may appeal to the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, whose decision will be final.

Compensation for Service

PTF serving on departmental or college committees, or serving as liaisons to the Academic Senate, will be paid $100 a semester for their service.

Workshop Instruction

A PTF leading workshops for other faculty (PTF, FT, and/or GTAs) will be paid $150 per workshop.

Pandemic MOUs

When it became clear that our working conditions at Wayne State would be experiencing substantial changes due to the pandemic, we engaged with the administration in two rounds of impact bargaining, resulting in the following Memorandums of Understanding:

First Agreement
Second Agreement

Prior Contracts

2020-2023 CBA.

Officer Pay

One of the features of the new contract is that, for the first time, the University will pay two of our officers. Each officer will be paid for up to two (2) credit hours of Officer Pay, so long as they do not exceed a total of eight (8) credit hours of employment overall. The rate of pay will be $2,500 per credit hour of Officer Pay. As per the updated UPTF constitution, Officer Pay will be granted first to the union’s President and Vice President. If they are unable to complete the duties associated with the Officer Pay (six hours of union work per week, per credit hour of Officer Pay), one of the other officers may be assigned.

Salary Scale

The Salary Scale. We are currently being paid under the Fall 2023 rates. Right click to open image in a new tab to enlarge.

Professional Development Fund

The UPTF negotiated a Professional Development Fund in our prior contract. As per this contract, $30,000 is added to the fund each year. It is currently used for three purposes: to fund conference travel and attendance, fund research grants, and pay PTF to mentor* their colleagues. Click the links to learn more and learn how to apply for these funds.

*The mentoring program was on hold in AY 21-22; we expect to relaunch it in Fall 2023.

PTF Benefits

The UPTF has negotiated with the university for access to several benefits. They include voluntary vision and dental insurance (paid entirely by the employee). You can read more about these benefits here.

Performance Evaluation Policy

After our first contract, the union and the university negotiated for a consistent evaluation policy to be used across the university. This was the result of those negotiations.

Requests for Availability

One of the features of the new contract is that we tried to create a standardized system so that we know when to expect contact from our departments for upcoming work. From now on, our departments should follow this schedule:

  1. All communication about upcoming work can be made by phone or by email. If communication is sent via email, it should be sent to the Part-time Faculty’s WSU email address.
  2. By the end of the second week of each semester, the department or unit will normally request availability for work in the following semester. This request will only be for courses that the unit is aware that they need PTF’s for at the current time.
  3. By the end of the fifth week of each semester, the Part-time Faculty will normally be notified of any course offering for the following semester. This request will only be for courses that the unit is aware that they need PTF’s for at the current time.
    • The PTF may be required to respond to the course offering within the following timeframe:
      • Within one week of receiving an offer made by the end of the fifth week.
      • Within 3 days of receiving an offer for courses added to the next semester’s schedule, or offers made, after the fifth week of the current semester.
      • Within 24 hours of receiving an offer, for a course added, or offers made, within two weeks of the start of a semester.
  4. The appropriate response timeframe will be provided by the hiring unit when making the course offering.

Weingarten Rights

Always remember, if you are called to a meeting with management, read the following to management when the meeting begins.

“If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my union representative, officer, or steward be present at this meeting. Without representation I choose not to answer any questions.”

The Viola Liuzzo Memorial Tree near the WSU Law School